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im neuen Projektwiki (projekte.zum.de).The Pro and Con Monarchy Debate
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Monarchy In General
Definition Of Monarchy
It's a special form of government where a aristocratic person becomes the head of state. This can take place because of inheritance, an election for a life time or a resignation. Monarchy is the opposit of the term of modern republic (if you don't know what this is, look at this article Republic (Wikipedia) )
Forms Of Monarchy
- absolute monarchy: monarch has unrestricted force ; this could also end in a tyranny (worst case)
- constitutional monarchy: force of the monarch is some kind of affected by a constitution
- parliamentary monarchy: "democratic monarchy" ; only representative duties and responsibilities
- corporative monarchy: nation is divided into unequal ranks ; "strong monarchy"
--Lea ost gla (Diskussion) 23:30, 31. Aug. 2018 (CEST)
The British Monarchy Debate
- isn't 'outdated' just because it's a year old system (drinking, eating and breathing are also this kind of systems!)
- Royals are servants for the country, not tyrants
- other modern countries have monarchies too (e.g. spain, sweden, canada, australia, new zealand, etc.)
- Royals generate billions from tourism every year (-> keeps the taxes down)
- part of history and prestige
- Royals make people proud to be british and they give joy (all the parties, weddings, pregnancy or other big announcements)
- all in all: proud and happy people, who give this feeling to their nation
- this system is overblown
- monarch takes the money of the nation and lives in the undeserved world of privileges
- meritocracy should be over hereditary (nation over inheritance)
- through birthright the head of state is not selected by the nation (unfair privileges ; probably the worst person without any ideas about the lifes of the people in their area)
- president is better (democracy and money saving, instead of giving it into the queens pocket)
- it's just fortune to be the next in the succession to the throne
- all in all: not useful and just waste of time, money and undeserved privileges
At this topic the british nation is splitted. About 51% are against the monarchy and the Royals. Also about 49% are looking forward to the monarchy and are happy to have this aristocratical people as the head of the state.
Based on opinions of real Britons: Should Britain Have A Monarchy? (Debate.org)
--Lea ost gla (Diskussion) 23:30, 31. Aug. 2018 (CEST)