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im neuen Projektwiki (projekte.zum.de).hyperbole, amplification and enumeration
Aus Projektwiki - ein Wiki mit Schülern für Schüler.
Inhaltsverzeichnis[Verbergen] |
Hyperbole, amplification and enumeration
A rhetorical device which emphasizes a normal situation through exaggeration.
- I am that hungry, I could eat a horse.
- I told you one million times to clean up the room.
- Yesterday I had a ton of homework to do.
Function and Effect:
It is used to emphasize, to dramatize and to add a shock effect.
A rhetorical device that adds mor informations to a rather short sentence.
- Without Amplification: Writing a wiki entry is difficult.
- With Amplification: Writing a wiki entry is difficult: it requires research, free time and a lot of grammar checking.
Function and Effect:
This rhetorical device adds information and increases worth and understandability of a sentence.
A rhetorical device which makes a point more detailed.
- This wiki provides historical, grammar related and much more content.
- The British Isles contain many different islands such as Great Britain, Ireland and the Isle of Man.
Function and Effect:
This adds more information to a sentence in an organized way.
Phi kri gla (Diskussion) 13:35, 31. Aug. 2018 (CEST) -- Luk hes gla -- Nil hom gla -- Ade Mi gla