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The exersice

1.He (kick) the ball yesterday. 2.She (not finish) washing the car yet. 3.He (not eat) a bread. 4.He (play) Football one hour ago. 5.Since yesterday Ayla (have) a headache. 6.Daniel (sleep) the whole day. 7.The dog (catch) the ball. 8.Lara (have not watch) TV since last week. 9.Benjamin (have not go) to the Shopping Center for a year. 10.Elena (buy) a present for her mothers birthday. 11.Tom (have run) away from a bear since two days. 12.Nicolas (forget) his glasses at home.


1.He kicked the ball yesterday. (simple past) 2.He hasn`t finished washing the car yet. (present perfect) 3.He didn`t eat a bread. (simple past) 4.He played football one hour ago. (simple past) 5.Sice yesterday Ayla has a headache. (present perfect) 6.Daniel slept the whole day. (simple past) 7.The dog caught the ball. (simple past) 8.Lara hasn`t watched TV since last week. (present perfect) 9.Benjamin hasn`t went to the shopping Center for a year. (present perfect) 10.Elena bought a present for her mothers birthday. (simple past) 11.Tom has ran away from a bear since two days. (present perfect) 12.Nicolas forgot his glasses at home. (simple past)