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After the lesson I have to furnish the horse. I give them then always some water and hay.  
After the lesson I have to furnish the horse. I give them then always some water and hay.  
If I‘m ready with this, I often clear then the dung away and give all horses on the whole equestrian farm something to eat and to drink. Then I‘m ready with almost and I go back at home. But I go often two or three days in the week to the horses for helping there.
If I‘m ready with this, I often clear then the dung away and give all horses on the whole equestrian farm something to eat and to drink. Then I‘m ready with almost and I go back at home. But I go often two or three days in the week to the horses for helping there.
'''Feedback from Andreas
Your text is really good. You use paragraphs that's nice. You can use more adjectives. Your spelling is correct. I don't understand the end of the sentence Thet means I have to ...

Aktuelle Version vom 14. Januar 2019, 12:47 Uhr


I want to talk about my favourite hobby. It‘s riding.

I go every wednesday to the equestrian farm opposite to my house (for 10 years) , to have there my riding lesson.

First I have to get my horse ready. That means I have to clean my horse with my brushes for the it. After that I have to saddle and to snaffle it. So I don‘t hurt myself, I have to wear a helm. Then the riding lesson starts. I often ride on the riding arena, but sometimes ( often in the summer when it is warm) I go for a ride with my horse. The riding lesson goes on for one hour.

After the lesson I have to furnish the horse. I give them then always some water and hay. If I‘m ready with this, I often clear then the dung away and give all horses on the whole equestrian farm something to eat and to drink. Then I‘m ready with almost and I go back at home. But I go often two or three days in the week to the horses for helping there.

Feedback from Andreas

Your text is really good. You use paragraphs that's nice. You can use more adjectives. Your spelling is correct. I don't understand the end of the sentence Thet means I have to ...