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im neuen Projektwiki (projekte.zum.de).solutions: have
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< CFS T-Klassen | Klasse 9a 2019-2020/Englisch | Material to work on while our school is shut down | let, make & have
Version vom 11. Juni 2020, 12:13 Uhr von MMeyer (Diskussion | Beiträge)
a) Jim didn't paint his car. He __had the car painted___ at the local shop.
b) Sandra won't cook our meal. She __will have the meal cooked____ by a friend.
c) Tom can't put all the pieces of the puzzle together, so he ___has the puzzle put together___ by his father.
Es sind bei "have something done" auch Vereinfachungen möglich, z.B. in den oberen Sätzen bzw. Lösungen:
a) He had it painted...
b) She will have it cooked...
c) ... so he has it put together by...