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im neuen Projektwiki (projekte.zum.de).Advanced English Class 2020
Welcome to our internal class wiki! In this wiki you will find links provided by me and lots of blank articles to be filled by... YOU! So you are going to collect information on all class topics and may use them for studying, exam preparation or evaluation - everyone can contribute and has to contribute as this is also part of your "SoMi" mark.--Mr_G (Diskussion) 12:21, 22. Aug. 2018 (CEST)
Language Section
Literary Terms
Anaphora, parallelism and repetition
Hyperbole, amplification and enumeration
Content Section
The United Kingdom in the 21st century
Monarchy and Modern Democracy
The Pro and Con Monarchy Debate
Brexit and Political Realities
Political Parties and Politicians
Multicultural Society
India - Between Postcolonialism and Modern Democracy
Women in India Poverty in India